upcoming meetings

DSAF ANNUAL MEETING 2025: November 13-15, 2025

NORDIC OBESITY MEETING 2026, Stockholm: February 5-6, 2026

DSAF ANNUAL MEETING 2026: November 5-7, 2026


DSAF ANNUAL MEETING 2024: November 1-2, 2024

We are very excited to welcome you to DASO’s annual Obesity Meeting. The meeting will take place the 1st-2nd of November 2024 in Nyborg, Denmark. The conference will bring together medical doctors, dietitians, health care professionals, and multidisciplinary researchers engaged in obesity research.

The annual Obesity Meeting will cover topics spanning from the role of physical activity in weight maintenance, new perspectives on treatment of obesity, therapeutic targets and bariatric surgery, to treatment of obesity eating disorders and obesity stigma. The meeting gives early career researchers the opportunity to present their research and all participants an opportunity to strengthen and expand their scientific network.

Practical info

Programme: Programme DASO annual obesity meeting 

Venue: Sinatur Storebælt , Østerøvej 121, 5800 Nyborg

Registration:  Sign up here. The deadline for registration is 16 September 2024. Early career researchers (PhD age <10 years) who have had an abstract accepted for the congress will have a reduced fee. The registration fee covers participation in the  annual obesity meeting including accommodation and all meals.

Registration fees:p

Type Rate
DASO member 2100 dkk
Non-member 2900 dkk
DASO member, early career researchers, abstract accepted 1250 dkk

Abstracts:   Submit your abstract (300 words) to dsaf@dsaf.dk before September 8, 2024. Find abstract guidelines here


Poster and speaker guidelines

All presentations must adhere to the EASO person first language guidelines and use respectful images

Oral abstract presentation

The presentation should be no longer than 8 minutes long and it is important that you keep to time. All speakers are asked to include a COI statement as the second slide in their presentations. Presentations should be submitted to dsaf@dsaf.dk before the meeting.


Please note the dimensions of the Poster MUST adhere to the following requirements:
Width: max 94 cm
Height: max 135 cm

exhibitors and sponsors:

DSAF Summer Meeting

DSAF invites you to the summer meeting in Copenhagen, where we focus on the future treatment of obesity. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM and will also be streamed online.

Read more: DSAF sommermøde 4juni 2024.

Registration: dsaf.nemtilmeld.dk – link for online participation will be sent after registration.

DSAF summer meeting  August 31 2023 “Access to treatment” 

The meeting is held in Aarhus. The meeting will be in Danish. See the programme here

Sign up here.


We are very excited to welcome you to DASO’s annual Obesity Meeting. The meeting will take place the 2-4 November 2023 in Nyborg, Denmark. The conference will bring together medical doctors, dietitians, health care professionals, and multidisciplinary researchers engaged in obesity research.

Preceding the annual obesity meeting, we will hold an educational day on obesity, on the topic ‘How is obesity in adolescents and adults treated in the real-world?: working on case-based examples’ will include talks on treatment in primary and secondary care facilities and participant workshops.

The annual Obesity Meeting will cover topics spanning from obesity and reproductive health, lipedema, weight maintenance to obesity in childhood and adulthood and cancer risk. The meeting also gives young investigators the opportunity to present their research findings and all researchers an opportunity to strengthen and expand their research network.


The programme: dsaf.dk/annual-obesity-meeting/

Venue: Sinatur Storebælt , Østerøvej 121, 5800 Nyborg

The deadline for registrations is 17 September 2023. Early career researchers (PhD age <10 years) who have had an abstract accepted for the congress will have a reduced fee. The registration fee covers participation in the Education day and the annual obesity meeting including accommodation and all meals.

Registration fees:

Type Rate
DASO member 1500 dkk
Non-member 2500 dkk
DASO member, early career researchers, abstract accepted 1000 dkk

Registration will open in the beginnning of August.

Abstracts:   Submit your abstract (300 words) to o dsaf@dsaf.dk before September 10, 2023. Find abstract guidelines here



1st prize: Lotte Assing Winckelmann, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: Nationwide data from the Danish quality registry for treatment of severe obesity

2nd prize:Henriette H. Nerild, Center for Clinical Metabolic Research, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Hellerup, Denmark. Liraglutide decreases postprandial fibroblast growth factor 19 and glucagon-like peptide 2, and increases postprandial cholecystokinin in individuals with obesity

Poster presentation: Emma Davidsen, Health Promotion Research, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Gentofte, Denmark. Experienced weight discrimination and self-stigma among Danes with a body mass index > 30 kg/m2









Abstract awards

1st prize :
Mette Ji Riis-Vestergaard,  Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital.
Glucose metabolism in brown adipose tissue determined by deterium metabolic imaging in rats

2nd prize:
Mette Søeby, Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital.
Relationship between biochemical and symptomatic hypoglycemia after RYGB. Responses to a mixed meal test

President Sigrid Bjerge Gribsholt with the award winners –
Mette Søeby and Mette Ji riis-Vestergaard.

DSAF annual meeting 2019  “Obesity: From primary prevention to bariatric surgery”

november 15-16 2019 in  nYBORG

Deadline for submission of abstracts is September 20 and the deadline for registration is September 27 2019.

Program InvitationAbstract guidelines

Sign up: here

DSAF Late summer meeting  September 5 2019 “maintenance of weight loss – is it possible?”

The meeting is held in Aarhus. The meeting will be in Danish. See the programme here: DSAF_seminar_Aarhus_2019

Sign up: here

DSAF summermeeting  May 8th 2018 “Childhood obesity treatment – methods and perspectives”

See the programme her: DSAF annual summer meeting 2018 programme

Sign up here


Abstract awards

1st prize :
Julie Aarestrup,Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen.
Childhood body mass index and adult ovarian cancer risk

2nd prize:
Lise Geisler Bjerregaard, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen.
Are Adverse Effects of Child Overweight on Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Reversible by Remission to Normal Weight in Early Adulthood?

Formand Sigrid Bjerge Gribsholt med de glade prisvinderne – Lise Geisler Bjergegaard (TV) og Julie Aarestrup (TH).

DSAF annual meeting 2017  ” is obesity a disease?

10-11. NOVEMbER 2017 IN nYBORG


Invitation årsmøde DSAF 2017

Abstract guidelines 2017

tilmelding:  under punktet   MØDER og TILMELDING   dsaf.dk/tilmelding/

DSAF Annual summer meeting, 2017, may. 4 th.

Programme: DSAF-Annual-summermeeting-2017-programme.-final

DSAF Annual Meeting 2016

Abstract awards

1st prize : Pernille Wismann, Gubra Aps., Hørsholm
A long-acting glucagon-like peptide -1/2 co-agonist improves body weight and glycemic control i db/db mice

2nd prize : Julie Kloppenborg, Copenhagen University Hospital, Holbæk. 
Impaired fasting glucose and the metabolic profile in Danish children and adolescent with normalweight, overweight, or obesity.

De glade vindere af abstract konkurrencen 2016

De glade vindere af abstract  konkurrencen 2016


se opdateret programme: dsaf-annual-meeting-2016-programme_final2_medlogo_jmb

 Invitation DSAF ANNUAL MEETING 2016

Invitation årsmøde DSAF 2016

Guidelines for abstract submission:

Abstract guidelines 2016

 DSAF Årsmøde 2015

Præsentation af abstract – konkurrence :

1. præmie : Mette Søndergaard Nielsen
Changes in food choice following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery assessed by an ad libitum buffet meal.

2. præmie: Ulrich Rohde

The EndoBarrier® gastrointestinal liner reduces food intake in obese subjects and improves postprandial glucose metabolism acutely in obese patients with type 2 diabetes.
