6. maj 2022

Vinderne af DSAF rejselegater til ECO2022

Tillykke til Lotte Assing Winckelmann, Hanyue Zhang og Kim Blond, som alle har vundet rejselegater á 6000 kr. til deltagelse i ECO2022.

Lotte Assing Winckelmann: Risk of Fractures and Osteoporosis following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and Sleeve gastrectomy: A Danish population-based Cohort Study.

Hanyue Zhang med: Evidence for the Protein Leverage Hypothesis in Young Children Prone to Obesity: A Cohort Analysis From the ‘Healthy Start’ Study.

Kim Blond: Body mass index trajectories in childhood and incidence rates of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease in adulthood.