13. november 2023
Et succesfuldt årsmøde afholdt på Hotel Signatur, Nyborg er nettop overstået.
DSAF-bestyrelsen fik ny sammensætning. Den nye bestyrelse består nu af:
Lise Geisler Bjerregaard, formand
Sofus Christian Larsen, sekretær
Julie Aarestrup, kasserer
Marie K. Kirk
Sigrid Bjerge Gribsholt
Merete Espensen
Charlotte Røn Stolberg
Se nærmere på www.dsaf.dk/bestyrelse
Oral presentations
1st prize) Pernille C. Skovlund: Communication about obesity and healthy behavior with patients with breast cancer
2nd prize) Søren Gam: Test-Retest Reliability of Lower Limb Muscle Power in Adults Eligible for Bariatric Surgery
Poster presentations
1st prize) Dan Hameiri-Bowen: Associations between being breastfed in infancy and risks of cancer in adulthood – a UK Biobank study
2nd prize) Pil Lindgreen: Communication about obesity and healthy behavior with patients with breast cancer